
Time and chance by peter townsend
Time and chance by peter townsend

And since Margaret was not yet 25 years old, she required marriage approval from her sister, the queen, who ultimately refused to give it on account of the captain's marital history. Their resulting romance came at a time when marrying a divorcee was not only frowned upon, but also forbidden by the church of England. In 1947, Margaret-the daughter of King George VI and the Queen Mother and younger sister to Queen Elizabeth II-first met and fell in love with Townsend, a Royal Air Force Pilot and soon-to-be divorcee 15 years her senior who served as an equerry for the king. August 1930 – February 2002) and Captain Peter Wooldridge Peter Townsend (November 1914 – June 1995) was revisited in its final chapters throughout the fifth season of The Crown-though their love story in real life was sadly more doomed.

time and chance by peter townsend

The forbidden romance between Princess Margaret (b. Margaret maintained that she knew an engagement with Armstrong-Jones was just around the corner, but it certainly begs questions about its timing.A Timeline of Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend Keystone - Getty Images

time and chance by peter townsend

Shortly before Margaret and Armstrong-Jones got engaged, the princess had gotten wind of Townsend's engagement to Marie Luce Jamagne, leading some of her inner circle to believe that she only accepted Armstrong-Jones' proposal because of her ex's plans (via The Telegraph). Surprising just about everyone with the news, Margaret kept their relationship under the radar given the media scrutiny she was receiving at the time - the two eventually got married, but not for the reason you may think. Next on the princess' radar was Antony Armstrong-Jones, a photographer she had crossed paths with.

time and chance by peter townsend

He proposed to Margaret on a number of occasions, and she finally agreed, telling her friends, " to marry somebody one at least liked." Their engagement was over in a flash, however, when Wallace had a brief affair while on vacation. As noted by The Telegraph, only one man in her immediate circle of friends wasn't in a relationship, a one Billy Wallace.

Time and chance by peter townsend